Sunday, October 14, 2012

Introducing the Fiends

The Media Fiend Rants is a blog that will watch, review, critique, and bitch about everything in the media, including television stations, movies, TV shows, music, and anything else that tickles our fancy.  We are going to use video, photos, and written entries to volunteer (or force feed) our opinions to the world.  As it stands, Moulin Rouge will be the first victim of our special brand of criticism.  But first, we must introduce the fiends...

I am Corey S. and I am the big heavy of the page.  I love everything media, as long as it's good.  My standards are high and I refuse to compromise.  I tend to be the angriest member of the page, screaming and stomping to get my point across.  I might be loud and boisterous, but I always make my point.  I'm right and your wrong, dammit, so don't start with me!

Next up we have the "comedian" of the page, Ryan.  He's sarcastic about everything, and his humor tends to run the gambit from dry to straight up unpleasant.  He will go anywhere to get his point across, and he frequently acts as my foil, a role he is well suited for.  Ryan regards himself as a music buff, but I'll leave that to you all to figure out.  Just pray he doesn't get his guitar or bass or other guitar or other guitar or other guitar or other guitar or other guitar or harmonica or keyboard or talent (it has to be somewhere) out...

This is Corey P., aka DJCJ.  This is the man with a conscious, a blessing given how morally bankrupt Ryan and I are.  He is a man of many tastes, but nobody else shares them.  He will talk about anything media, but he is probably the only one on here who will dive into media ethics (Lord knows I won't).  DJCJ will definitely let you know who he is; you have to decide if you really wanted to know it.

It's probable that we will have more contributors going forward, but until then, you've met the fiends.  Now it's time for the rants to begin...

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