Monday, December 17, 2012

the Justice League film

those who may not know, there is a justice league film comming out in 2015. However, it will be competing with Marvel's AVENGERS 2. With a big competetion such as the Avengers, many fans such as myself will this live up to the potential? Well comming from a DC comic book fan such as myself, I have came up with some ways that the Justice League can compete with the Avengers. Here are my thoughts that can help Warner Bros and DC with this battle of epic proportions.

1. The Writers

Warner Bros have not been very successful with DC's franchises. However, the only two that lived up to the hypes was Batman and Superman. Green Lantern on the other hand lived up to fan boy hype but failed misreably in the box office. Why? because other characters such as green lantern get writters who have not read a stinkin comic book in their lives and just wrote crap on paper to explain a story that never really existed in the comic books. but it's not just Green lantern I'm talking about, Im also talking about the superman sequels( 3,4, and returns), Wonder-Woman(TV series) and the recent Arrow (based on the Green Arrow) on the CW. If Warner bros can fire those crappy writters and bring in some comic book nerds such as Kevin Smith( Comic book men) to write their movies they will be successful.
2. Actors

Before I start talking about my thoughts of actors who can play who, I want to explain some actors that have done a good job playing these roles.

Ryan Reynolds-Hal Jordan/Green lantern
Yes Ryan Reynolds, the guy is cocky, and has the looks for Hal, I had no problem with him playing the role of Hal Jordan. The only minor problems I had with this film was the animation and  time length of the film. The acting wasn't bad on Reynolds behalf but I blame the writters and animators who made this film. If anybody has to play Hal, you have to put Reynolds in. give him a Green lantern reboot which explores more on his character, give alot more time on Oa and in space, and have Mark Strong return as Sinestro and have him be the main villian.

Henry Cavil-Clark Kent/Superman

We have not seen this guy in action yet as superman, however, I have faith in Cavill for pulling off a better superman that what Brandon Routh did in Superman Returns (Crappy Crappy CRAPPY!!!! URGGGH). Time will tell if he will do good, but I honestly think he will be the best superman.

now on to choosing a cast choice for the league

Superman/Clark Kent- Henry Cavil
As I said up above, I think Cavil will pull off the role of superman and will be the best superman to date, He looks like superman and has been in strong leader like roles such as Perseus in Immortals  and Charles Brandon in The Tudors.

Batman/Bruce Wayne- Jensen Ackles

For many of you know, Christian Bale does not want to get involved the Justice League film, He has stepped down from Batman after the success of The Dark Knight Rises. However, Jesen Ackles (CW's Supernatural) can pull off the role of the dark knight for these reasons.
                1. He played a role of a batman character: He voiced Jason Todd in Batman Under the Red Hood back in 2010 and done an outstanding job with the role. You all are probablly wondering, he only did the voice, well think about it guys, if you check him out, he's got the voice and he's got the looks for Batman, plus he played a batman character before, so therefore, he would be a good choice in my opinion

Wonder-Woman/ Diana Prince- Lynda Collins

For those who may not know who this chick is, she played the role of the princess of mars in Disney's John Carter. Yes we all know that John Carter was not that great of a success but again I liked the movie!Collins would make a great fit for wonder-woman because she shows the characteristics of a character from what we seen from John Carter. (For those of  you who whine about opinons after just seeing one movie)She looks like the Amazonian princess and she is a good actress. She can potray a strong character and nothing else left to say

Martian Manhunter/ Jonn Jonz- Djimon Honsou

Now before I tell you guys why Honsou should play Jonn here is something I should add. Yes we need diversity in these films, John Stewart(Green Lantern) shouldnt be in this film because isnt as popular as Hal, dont take this wrong, I like John, great character but Hal is the Green Lantern enough said, but as far as Diversity goes, if we go with Honsou playing Jonn, he would potray Jonn very well, He is built and he has played roles in movies that had like a philosopher/outsider role in films such as Amistad and Never Back Down . And to tell you the truth, a Black Jonn Jonz (in human form) would go great.

The Flash/Barry Allen- Ryan Gosling

Ryan Gosling has the look and feel to Barry. With roles from movies like Drive and Ides of March, this guy seems to have the potiential of the flash and would see to fit well the character himself.  Many people believe that he would fit well as batman, but to be honest, Gosling would be too short to play the role of the dark knight. However, i think he would better off playing the Scarlet Speedster.

Finally, the moment you all have been waiting for

Aquaman/Arthur Curry- Liam Hemsworth

For all you haters of Aquaman, you have no idea what this guy can do unless you read the comics!, Yes he can talk to fish but his powers also can contain super strength, skin tough as a rhino, the ability to control water.  He is not a water bender but if he is around water he can create objects or control. and From his story, he was a lost King of Atlantis who was washed a shored because of exile as a baby. This would make a great story for a film if it was done right. Now im done ranting on you folks who hate Aquaman, Now I would say Chris but he allready plays Thor. Liam can have a chance of redemption after losing the role of Thor to his brother but with a DC character. I think the guy is a perfect fit for aquaman, no questions asked!


When it comes to directing this film, you need to find someone who knows the comics and characters well. Take Joss Wheadon and the Avengers for instance, He was picked because of his works like Buffy and Angel, but he also knew the characters such as Captain America and Ironman from the Marvel universe, and guess what it worked. Because of a director who knows these characters he can incorporate a portryal of each of these characters from the comic books to the big screen. Now im not sure which director would be perfect but hear me out Warner Bros, PICK SOMEBODY GOOD AND WHO HAS READ A STINKIN JUSTICE LEAGUE COMIC BOOK!!!!


Back when the Justice League was Assembled in 1960 in the Brave and the Bold #28, they faced against a foe who was indeed a Giant Starfish named Starro. Hey dont be hating on this star, he is brutal! however, the league was established when they faced against a group of titan like beings called the Appellaxians. Appellaxians were these intense violent creatures who were made up of energy and would rely on "host" bodies to take over. These aliens took the form of Wood, Ice, Mercury, Fire, Stone, and Crystal, and one took on the form of a giant yellow ptyretacyl. References anybody? if you cant figure it out the Titans from greek mythology. If the writers can incorporate these villians and would save the legion of Doom (or say Lex Luthor) for a sequel it would be better. As far as this idea ripping off from the avengers? no, I dont think so, it is it's own stand alone story. The aliens in the Avengers move was the Chui Tari and had nothing to deal with these beings right here. Now as every fanboy would like to see, if there was a way to incorporate a little fight scene between batman and superman, people would be lining up at the box office to see this movie instead of the avengers. I mean cmon these two going at it, everyone would love to see that in live action.  (Not in animation done one too many times)

Now heres my last thoughts

Learn from your competion, Warner Bros here me out on this one. Make individual films, if you do you can show the world these characters that nobody has ever even heard of. Yes some people might know who aquaman, the flash, wonder-woman is but what about the martian manhunter (regarding the TV series). Do not incorporate the new 52 series into this film, it will suck the new 52s look slick but lack the proper story of the justice league. So Warner Bros here are my last words. Dont Mess this one up for the love of God Please!!!!